Prevention and management of neck pain

Targeted manual therapy to relieve pain combined with addressing lifestyle factors and postural muscles.

About neck pain

Neck pain can be due to many issues in different age populations including poor posture, extended posture in one position, arthritis, stress and disc related pathologies. A common presentation is weakness of the deep neck flexors and neck extensors. This may lead to pain in the long term and further deconditioning of the neck muscles and joints and potentially the upper back.

There are a number of risk factors including advanced age, lack of physical activity, being female, low social support, and a history of neck or lower back pain.


Neck pain can be very frustrating to deal with. It may limit movement, cause inability to work or cause numbness and weakness into the arms and fingers. It can sometimes cause migraines and headaches affecting sleep, concentration and daily life. It is important to treat it early to identify the underlying cause of the issue and prevent it from being a chronic condition and from affecting the upper back and surrounding regions.


  • To diagnose and find out inhibited muscle groups.

  • A comprehensive treatment plan is put together by your physiotherapist.

    Address dysfunction through manual therapy (soft tissue release, mobilizing, manipulating joints and dry needling)

  • Completed slowly on machines guided by our physiotherapists

  • These rehab exercises will be incorporated into a whole body program targeting towards a healthier lifestyle whether it’s weight loss, toning up or increasing strength in all other body areas.

improve your strength,mobility & reduce pain

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